What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Vagus Nerve Dysfunction?

Vagus Nerve Symptoms Overview

The Vagus Nerve controls nearly every major function in the body.

This ranges from hormones, digestion, sleep, energy, stress, relaxation, sexual function, heart rate, blood pressure, and the list goes on, and on.

Needless to say it is important to identify if your specific symptoms point to a Vagus Nerve issue or not.

Why is it important to identify VN dysfunction?

It's important because it opens the door to a number of treatments.

Briefly, What Does the Vagus Nerve Look Like?

No picture can really do the Vagus Nerve justice.

It's so massive and widespread throughout the body that an artists representation cannot capture the sheer size and breadth of this nerve.

Although, we will try our best to provide a few reference photos that can help set the scene for you.

Vagus Nerve Anatomy 1 Parasympathetic Activation Vagus Nerve Head Anatomy

Vagus Nerve Anatomy Videos

For further exploration of the anatomy of the Vagus Nerve you can view the following resources.

*Skip down the page, past the videos to see the list of symptoms.*

Common Symptoms of Dysfunction

  • Gastroparesis
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)
  • Changes to heart rate, blood pressure or blood sugar
  • Difficulty swallowing or loss of gag reflex
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Hoarseness, wheezing or loss of voice
  • Loss of appetite, feeling full quickly or unexplained weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Depersonalization
  • Disconnection from friends, family, and other people
Vagus Nerve Symptoms by Organ System

Uvula Deviation Self-Test

When a doctor looks into the back of your throat and has you say, "Ahhh" they are looking at your Uvula.

If your Uvula deviates to the left or the right, instead of raising up straight, this is an indication of a Vagus Nerve problem.

Even if your uvula doesn't deviate, however, that doesn't mean you don't have a Vagus Nerve problem.

This is akin to testing one normally "hidden" aspect of your Vagus Nerve.

Doing the test is helpful to get a baseline of function, so you can also track progress if/when you incorporate a Vagus Nerve Repair Protocol.

Uvula Deviation Test

The Gut-Brain Axis

It's all too common to forget that the "axis" in gut-brain axis refers to the Vagus Nerve.

More often than not you will find people with serious health issues that have a Vagus Nerve problem.

You can see just how instrumental the nerve is in regulating a diverse array of bodily functions.

Gut Brain Axis

What *isn't* a Vagus Nerve Issue?

It can seem to some that we are unfairly classifying as many symptoms as "Vagus Nerve" related in order to capture everything.

This is just not the case.

There are symptoms and dysfunctions of the body that are *not* at all tied to Vagus Nerve processes.

For instance, radiating pain in your left shoulder, or a broken toe is not a Vagus Nerve issue.

We do know, however, that problems such as rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation can directly relieve rheumatoid arthritis in many patients.

So is RA a Vagus Nerve dysfunction symptom?

We will let you be the judge of that.

Just know that VNS does provide a whole host of benefits to many seemingly unrelated disorders.

So if you're curious, keep reading ahead.


There are a lot more minor symptoms involved.

If you have any symptoms related to the above listed issues then you most likely have a specific problem in your Vagus Nerve.

See the link below to explore some of the top recommendations for pursuing therapy.

"Getting Started" Learn More About What You Can Do Next - Click Here
Sterling Cooley

Sterling Cooley is a world-renowned educator on the empowerment one gets from effective Vagus Nerve Stimulation. You can find him speaking through Live Daylong Workshops on the power of Ultrasound Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve through his newly created VagusSkool.com project, and join his free online community at Skool.com/vagus