What *isn't* a Vagus Nerve Issue?
It can seem to some that we are unfairly classifying as many symptoms as "Vagus Nerve" related in order to capture everything.
This is just not the case.
There are symptoms and dysfunctions of the body that are *not* at all tied to Vagus Nerve processes.
For instance, radiating pain in your left shoulder, or a broken toe is not a Vagus Nerve issue.
We do know, however, that problems such as rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation can directly relieve rheumatoid arthritis in many patients.
So is RA a Vagus Nerve dysfunction symptom?
We will let you be the judge of that.
Just know that VNS does provide a whole host of benefits to many seemingly unrelated disorders.
So if you're curious, keep reading ahead.