What Are the Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation With Ultrasound?

Ultrasound Vagus Nerve Stimulation Diagram

What is Ultrasound Vagus Nerve Stimulation?

Typically referred to as uVNS to shorten it, this is a modality of stimulation that has many benefits to increasing Parasympathetic function in the human body.

Using high frequency sound waves we can now selectively stimulate neurons throughout the body.

Ultrasound as a tool to elicit neuronal excitation is actually quite old.

Beginning in the 1950's and 60's in the United States and USSR, researchers quickly learned about the power of focused Ultrasound on central neurons in the brain, and peripheral neurons in arms and legs to be stimulated with tiny burst tones of Ultrasound.

This technology development has evolved and grown to be quite a complex therapeutic intervention.

Ultrasound is now being used to image the brain in real-time, replacing expensive fMRI machines at a fraction of the cost and size.

Ultrasound is being utilized to treat inflammatory disorders, as well as fighting Covid infections with remarkable success.

What Is Being Stimulated?

Neurons are being stimulated to "activate" the same way a muscle contracts when you consciously control it.

The Vagus Nerve is a massive bundle of neurons that run from your brain stem, down through your neck, and into your chest and abdomen.

When we stimulate these neurons we are causing them to "fire" and send signals to the brain.

These signals tell the brain to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which is responsible for "rest and digest" functions.

Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation:

  • Improved mood
  • Loss of anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Better social skills
  • Lowered insulin resistance
  • Normalized blood sugar levels
  • Decreased pain
  • Improvement in cognitive function & ability
  • Better memory
  • Elimination of insomnia
  • Improved sleep
  • More vivid dreams
  • Massive reduction in tinnitus ringing
  • More vocal melody when speaking
  • Less monotonous speaking style
  • More meditative & mindful thinking style
  • Reduction in stress
  • More salivation
  • Better digestion
  • Relaxed facial expression
  • Reduction in facial tension
  • Reduction of TMJ pain
  • Increased hopefulness
  • Better reaction to stressful events
  • Decreased circulating TNF inflammatory cytokines
  • Reduction in sugar cravings
  • Better executive & problem solving ability
  • Deeper breathing
  • More variable heart rate
  • Stronger muscle tone
  • Decreased musculoskeletal weakness
  • Reduced neck & shoulder pain
  • Increased focus
  • Increase in BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor)
  • Increased growth in hippocampus and memory processing centers
  • Reduced fear
  • Increased confidence in self
  • Enhanced future projection & visualization ability
  • Reduction in negative self talk
  • Increased sexual function
  • Increase in sexual desire, and libido
  • Reduction in anti-depressant caused erectile dysfunction
  • Increase in female sexual function
  • Normalization of female period cycle
  • Reduction in some symptoms of PMS

And the list can go on, and on.


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Ultrasound has proven itself, time and time again, to hold remarkable potential to restore proper function to central and peripheral neurons in the human body.

While it may seem as if this is a "new" technology, it's actually very old and widely accepted to be incredibly safe to use in and on the human body.

What we have found to be most important is how one uses Ultrasound.

Our closing recommendation in selecting an Ultrasound device for stimulating your Vagus Nerve is to work with a practicioner, as they can fine-tune a treatment protocol for you.

Some people respond to Ultrasound really fast, within 15 minutes post-stimulation. Some people have incredibly vivid dreams within their first week of starting their protocol.

This has everything to do with using a protocol that has been used safely before, and matches the clients specific symptoms.

If you would like to learn more about the full scale of uVNS and how it combines incredibly well with other forms of health & wellness practices, you can visit our Ultrasound Ordering page, and read about availability, and what all is included in the VNS V1 Kit.

Click Here for More Details on the UVNS Technology Get Access to the VNS&R Ultrasound V1 Technology and Guidebook
Sterling Cooley

Sterling Cooley is a world-renowned educator on the empowerment one gets from effective Vagus Nerve Stimulation. You can find him speaking through Live Daylong Workshops on the power of Ultrasound Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve through his newly created VagusSkool.com project, and join his free online community at Skool.com/vagus